Thursday, September 25, 2008


John McCain is a chickenshit. he is using the current situation with our economy to try and delay the debate friday night, because the economy is something he has admitted he knows very little about and he knows that Barack Obama will mop the floor with him. today he is in washington trying to appear like a leader while the financial security committee is meeting behind closed doors to discuss the current situation. John McCain and his staff aren't even allowed in the meeting because they are not members of the committee! he is in washington, because he feels comfortable there. he is using this dire situation to put himself in the spotlight while hiding from Obama - a republican deer caught in the headlights of a democratic bio-diesel vehicle that doesn't run on oil, because Obama and his staff don't cater to the big oil company lobbyists, unlike John McCain and his entire staff, most of whom are current or former lobbyists.

and what's going on with Sarah Palin?! John McCain is not allowing reporters to speak to her because she has absolutely no experience and they're afraid she'll say something stupid! it's actually a smart move on their part, but do we actually want this woman as our president once John McCain kicks the bucket? i certainly don't. she is no different than him (except she has none of his experience). she is a hypocrit, who has already misspoken (lied) about a number of things and is currently under investigation by her own state. she is a puppet who says and does whatever she is told. she is nothing but a trophy VP candidate who looks good and praises Hillary up and down to try and round up those misguided voters, but she knows very little about what she speaks about (which is why the puppetmaster doesn't allow her to speak much). whatever it takes to win the white house, right? we're not stupid! the woman hasn't even been out of the country! well, Mexico, for a vacation once. i've been there. elect me! choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate was a clear and obvious attempt at trying to wrangle up the Hillary voters who are still pissed off and whining because their candidate wasn't elected as the democratic nominee. even though i wasn't a fan of the negative campaign Hillary ran, i still think she has great ideas and would have made a great president. don't be fooled - Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton! McCain is grasping at straws and avoiding the truths. sound familiar? ugh. it is still beyond me how George Bush got re-elected to a second term. granted, John Kerry was not the best candidate for a democratic nominee, but still...are we idiots in this country? am i the only one who notices that when the republicans are in office (except for a few good Reagan years) everything gets fucked up?! it's true! John McCain is a republican. he votes along with George Bush and the rest of the republican party. republicans are responsible for the economic disaster we are currently experiencing. republicans are responsible for the war in iraq and the billions and billions of dollars spent there. republicans are responsible for this country being in the deepest debt in our history (which could get even deeper if this 700 billion dollar bailout plan passes). John McCain is pretending to be a new kind of republican, blatantly and unashamedly stealing Obama's message of change. i guarantee you that if McCain gets elected, there will be no change. he will carry on exactly as the republicans have always carried on, catering to the big oil and insurance companies, and the wealthy - completely ignoring the middle class, the environment, and the needs of the common american. can we really afford more of this? i don't know about you, but i can't! i own a house, just like you. my house is no longer worth what it was when i bought it. neither is yours, i'm assuming. i have a 401k retirement plan, just like many of you. my plan has depreciated almost a third this year. i'm sick of this shit!

i'm sorry for ranting, but i just can't take it anymore! i needed to vent. and i realize that there are Train fans out there who are republicans, but hey, we all have our opinions and the right to speak, right? you can rant on your own page if you'd like. and if you decide not to buy my records or come to my concerts because of my opinions then so be it. this election is too important. much more important than my selling selling records or concert tickets. hell, if the republicans stay in office we're all going to be broke anyway! none of you will be able to afford to buy my records or come to my concerts! so, wake up people! it's time to take this country back and fix this mess. Barack Obama is the man for the job. he has great ideas and morals and a democratic congress to help him get things done. he is the only wise choice we have, and in my opinion, a damn good one. did you see the conventions a few weeks ago? did you notice the people in the crowds? the democratic convention was a mix of all races, genders, and ages - america - a celebration almost. very inspiring. the republican convention, on the other hand, was a bunch of stuffy, wealthy, white men in suits. it looked like a friggin' NRA rally! and does it matter that every other country in the world wants Obama to be our president? it does to me! i travel the world, and i must tell you, americans are not looked at in good standing these days, and it's mostly because of the current republican administration and their mishandling of the country and their ignoring of the issues that matter most to the rest of the world. John McCain doesn't want to talk to our enemies. he would rather fight them (remember his rendition of "Bomb, bomb, bomb - bomb bomb iran?"). he has stated that he won't even talk to the president of Spain! the man is nuts! electing him president will only continue to alienate america from the rest of the world. i love this country. we are NOT the evil empire that some countries think we are. electing Barack Obama will show the world that america cares, not only about ourselves, but about the world community. it will show that we are a country of compassionate, level-headed human beings who have the courage to admit when we've made a mistake. George Bush was a mistake, people. we need to participate in the world again and become leaders by example, not alienate and continue to be the bullies that we are perceived to be. continuing down that road will only create more enemies and alienate us even more, which can only lead to bad things. it is time to come together, as a country and as a world. and just because you're a republican doesn't mean that you have to vote republican. vote for what is right! not everyone will agree with my opinion of what is right, but in my mind, there is a very clear wrong and right choice here. i urge you all to make the right choice. i know most of my republican friends have a very difficult time thinking beyond party lines, but c'mon, can you seriously want more years of the same bullshit we have dealt with for the past eight years, because that's exactly what you will get! republican voters elected a president who caused this mess and caused the world to have the lowest opinion of this country in the history of the United States. let's get it right this time. let's fix this mess. let's elect Barack Obama president!

thanks for listening. i feel better now.
your friend,


Maileshay said...

It is nice to see someone so passionate about the state that the US is in right now. Even though I am a registered Republican I am a Independent voter. I am having a hard time with this election. I usally cross lines and find someone to believe in. I can not but help to think how we had almost 30 candidates for this position 2 years ago and how we got to the 2 we have now.

I do believe that the US is headed in a downward spiral at this point and that besides the president and vice president we need someone who knows how to manage money. Warren Buffet comes to mind.

As far as the comment about people not coming to your concerts or buying your records...I think you have found the right platform to talk about your views. It would only piss me off if I paid to see you in concert and you went off. Because going to concerts is an escape from all of this stuff going on in the world.


amy jo said...

Passionate??? Um, yeah. Typical...that would best describe it I guess. Not that I am very political or anything, but honestly it would have been better if we had a little info about an up coming cd or book or even a recent medical exam. Sad to hear this type of rant but I is such pain when an "average" income person (who really DOES depend on their 401k and investments)pays money to see their all time favorite band and gets a lecture like this.

I can sleep better knowing how you feel about the state of our county. Thank god you are free to go and live where ever you like. Need ehlp updating your passport??

Go Bears!